bundan:from this, by this, therefrom, hence
bundan sonra:whereupon
bundan başka:other, additionally, besides, no other, moreover, farther, further, furthermore, at that, by the same token
bundan böyle:henceforth, from now on, from that day forth, henceforward, henceforwards, hereafter, no longer, no more
bundan dolayı:therefore, on account of this, hereby, hence
bundan önce:before this, before now, previously, ere now, ere this, erewhile
bundan kim kâr ediyor:cui bono
bundan ötürü:ergo, hence, because of this, due to this
bundan sonra uzman kullanıcılar kayıt ve verileri kendi çıkarlarına yöneltirler:electronic crime

[ son aranan 10 kelime: human resources management | marş motoru | to become eroded | saç ayağı | mezbaha artıkları | interval of half an hour | vatan haini | weak spirited | to incorporate | bundan ]
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